Adriana Boffa, PhD
Educator, researcher, writer, photographer, mother, daughter, and diasporic citizen of the on and offline worlds.
Horâ Juthin Îmne - “lake of little fishes”- Treaty 7 Territory (Îyârhe Nakoda People)
Self Portrait (Boffa, 2022)
Adriana is a skilled educator with + 10 years of experience teaching students in secondary and post-secondary contexts. Attuned to culturally responsive sensibilities and student-centred instructional approaches to curriculum design and lesson development to enhance and enrich unique student learning experiences.
Having recently defended her PhD in Curriculum Studies in the Department of Secondary Education at the University of Alberta on Treaty 6 territory, the territory of Papaschase and the traditional homeland of the Métis Nation, she is offering expertise in critical digital media literacy, multi-modal literacy, cultural studies, Im/migrant-Indigenous relations in education, public pedagogy, anti-racism in education, and a desire-infused ethics and philosophy for online education.
She is a creative and dedicated community-minded activist adept at collaborative event organization, a supportive mentor-ship with compassionate interpersonal communication and problem-solving skills.
A strong academic researcher, accomplished writer, and active documentary photographer aiming to collaborate with community youth groups and colleagues to generate exciting projects to provoke thought and new potentialities for the future to come.